When you do not set aside time for regular electricity maintenance the related tools and machines gradually loose their effectiveness and efficiency every year. As a result, they begin to consume more energy and drain your money. However, SBM can help you recover most of this lost efficiency through regular maintenance and the replacement of bulbs and electrical wiring.

All our services are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. Our electricians can install anything from new outdoor security lighting to a whole home generator that will keep your appliances working during a power outage. Our installation services are done promptly and safely.

Where Appropriate:

  • Repair or replacement of light fittings.
  • Replacement of burnt out power sockets.
  • Identification and rectification of loose electrical connections.
  • Identification of overloaded circuits and rectification in order to prevent over-heating.
  • Identification and replacement of corroded wires or cables.

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